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Beyond Boundaries
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Uniting and Bringing Wealth to the African Decedents in American.
Benita Celeste
Beyond Boundaries
CBPM's 836th Member

Email Address:


This movement will fill all the financial gaps created
in the name of injustice towards our people.  To
long have we suffered and endured financial
disparity due to racial, political, economical and
social restraints.  We are in dire need to create
wealth amongst us.  We are lacking in all of the
following areas:

1. Economically  2. Healthcare  3. Education  4.
Criminal Justice  5. Environmental Justice

Our destruction is so far advanced as a people we are in
need of immediate repair.  We have no time for business as
usual.  We are 41 million strong and if we unite and come
together as Brothers & Sisters in the essence of love, we will

This wealth movement will not only bring massive wealth to
you, it will also provide a platform for our people to network
amongst each other with intent to strengthen our people
financially and spiritually.  Black leaders will join us to
discuss the condition of our people and what must be done.  
This movement will offer financial solutions to our current
economic problems.  This movement will bring massive
wealth to our people.  I will bring truth, love, peace, hope,
encouragement, empowerment, enlightenment, spirituality
and abundance to all of you, my Brothers & Sisters.
Uniting and bringing wealth to
the African
American people.
The purpose of this movement
is to bring wealth to the African
American people.  This
movement is being taken
around the world with the
purpose of unifying our people
and bringing wealth to us.
This movement will fill all the
financial gaps created in the
name of injustice towards our

The purpose of this movement
is to bring wealth to the African
American people.  All praises
be to Allah (God), who has
brought us this gift as
promised.  This movement will
bring massive wealth to all of
His Children.  This movement
will be taken around the world
with the purpose of unifying
our people and bringing wealth
to us.  

"Uniting and
bringing wealth
to the
African descent
Benita Celeste
No longer is there a need to ask someone else to do what we can do for
ourselves.  You can now tell your boss, you no longer require their
services.  You are now financially free to listen to your heart, your soul,
your spirit, your guide, your higher self, your inner being or whatever you
call it, you now have the power to do for self.  You now have the power to
take your freedom back.  God says, come and get it. It's yours!  It was
promised to your father Abraham.

We have served our time as slaves in this foreign land and now it is time for
us to come together and gather many good things.  

Genesis 15:12-16   
The sun began to go down and Abram got very sleepy.  While he was
asleep, a very terrible darkness came over him.  Then the Lord said to
Abram, "You should know this: Your descendants will live in a country that
is not their own.  They will be strangers there.  The people there will make
them slaves and be cruel to them for 400 years.  But then I will punish that
nation that made them slaves.  Your people will leave that land, and they
will take many good things with them."
That time has come!  I am here to bring wealth to my people, God's children, and I ask that you join me in
this historical movement to bring wealth our people. Wealth has been given to us by our God and now it's
time for us to come together as a people and work together to receive our blessings.

I don't care what you consider or call yourself, it's time to come together as one, not being divided by the
fact that I am Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian or Buddhist.  Not being divided by that fact that you are
Republican, Democrat, Conservative or Liberal.  We are a one!  In God's eyes we are one!  It's time we
come together as one!  It's time we come together as a people!  It matters not what organization you are
apart of.   This is about truth, black unity, enlightenment and abundance.  Brothers & Sisters let's come
together and work together to receive our blessings.  It's our time to unite and acquire wealth!

As a single body we have the power to receive the gift that was promised to us.  If we come together as a
people the blessings are ours.

My goal is to unite our people by empowering each and every one of us with the tools needed to uplift our
Brothers & Sisters financially.

We are taking control of our lives and of financial destiny by working together to ensure financial freedom!
Wealth will come to anyone who joins us in uniting our people.  Anyone who joins us wins!

Yes we can and yes we will succeed and we will do it with our own efforts.  We do not need anyone to bail
us out.  To think they will is an illusion from the start.  We now have the power to bail ourselves out.

Join us in this movement to bring wealth back to the African Descent/Black/African American
people.  Join us!  The harvest await us!

Spread the word!  Share this movement with your personal contacts, family and friends.

Please visit:
for further information.

Feel free to call for more information.
Telephone: 1-800-625-1724 or
Email: BlackPeopleUnite@gmail.com
Visit: Beyond
For More
Information on:

* Wealth Movement
* Ground Work
* Road to Truth
* Seed to Sow
* Be Involved/Take
* Videos
* Contact

Peace Family,  
Currently there is a Wealth Movement in progress for our Family
and I am calling on all you leaders to join us.  It matters not
where you work, your religious background or what groups or
organizations you belong to. This Wealth Movement is about
truth, social and political enlightenment, and our people uniting to
do something great not only for ourselves but for our people. We
have had many obstacles put in our way to detour our paths.
And it worked! If I don’t get anything else across I want to get this
across, your people need you! Some of us have good jobs.
Some of us have descent jobs. Many of us struggle just to pay
our rent. Some of us have nothing at all! Did you know that
average black single mother has a medium wealth of only
$5.00? That’s right, $5.00! We have the power to change this if
we unite and work together as a people.

This movement is about the least of us so that we all can come
up, not just a few of us. We all can win! And big time! This is for
all of us. Again, it matters not where you work, your religious
background or what groups or organizations you belong to. We
all come from many different backgrounds. This is not about all
that. This is about truth, social and political enlightenment, black
unity, doing something for the benefit of ourselves and doing
something for the upliftment of our people. I think we all can
agree that we need to create wealth. I think we all can agree that
our people and communities need more money. Our
communities face many different problems and if we had the
financial backing, we could fix those problems. This Wealth
Movement will do that for us. As a people we have a huge
economical problem but together, we can fix this. This is not a
one man problem, this is a nations problem! I think we all can
agree that something needs to be done.  If we don’t fix it then
who will??? If we don’t fix it our future does not look very bright.
Our people need us! It is up to us to make the change!
Together, we can make that change!

I will continue to bring truth, love, and if you join us, abundance, to
you! There are 41 million of us so there is definitely room for you
and your voice. We may have different ideas and perspectives but
at the end of the day we are in this together. The world groups us
as one, we are one in God’s eyes so we need to fight this things
as one! Our dis-unity is what has kept us from excelling to higher
heights. Our unity is so powerful that millions dedicated their lives
to keep us separate, disagreeing, disunited and it worked
because to this day we stand extremely divided. Our division is
our downfall. We all see that there are problems our community
face but we will never make a strong and deep impact divided…..If
we united and work together to right the wrongs, we could quickly
and effectively create the change that is needed….. The power is
within us but the key to our success is unity. There is too much
work to be done on many levels and too much area to be covered
to work un-united on this. We cannot continue to do the same
things we did yesterday and expect to see different results…This
is truly a collective effort. As a member you will have a voice to
address any and all concerns you are personally aware of. This
will be a collective effort so all knowledge and wisdom is welcome
and needed. We want to not only propose a problem but be able
to address the problems which most all of the time takes dollars.
Once we create wealth we will be in a great position to spark the
change that is needed.

This movement will not only bring wealth it will provide a platform
for our people to network amongst one another with intent to
strengthen our people financially, socially and spiritually. Black
leaders will join us to discuss the condition of our people and what
must be done. We would love to hear your voice.

Let’s get it, get it! If you join us, I will provide you with all the
needed tools you need to begin to uplift your people financially

Spread the word! We do not have time for business as usual so
let’s Take Action Today!

Stay Tuned In:

You can stay tuned at my website & blog, www.
BeyondBoundariessite.com. I can also be found on YouTube
where I will be uploading videos regarding this movement, www.
youtube.com/BenitaCeleste. I am on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.
com/in/BenitaCeleste you can also follow me on Twitter at http:
//www.twitter.com/BenitaCeleste .