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Sister Basiymah
Universal African Black
Cross Nurses Director
4th Assistant President
General of UNIA-ACL
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
CBPM's 764th Member


Email Address:

The Universal African Black Cross Nurses provide services for
the elderly.  They also provide a means to take sick people to
the doctor.
The Black Cross Nurses are in Belize today.  They are a group of
Black Women and men also who provided various services to the
people out of love for our people.  They can be between the ages of 16
- 45 (as stated in the UNIA-ACL constitution).  The re-establishment of
these nurses will ensure that there will be someone available to care
for you when you are sick or hospitalized.
The Black Cross Nurses responsibility and services include:

Black Cross Nurse report to the 4th Assistant President General.
Health and Wellness Social Services.
Collection of Food.
Collection of Medical Supplies to send to Africa.
Providing necessary information to our people.
UNIA - ACL Health Products for the Community.
Blood pressure checks for the people especially brothers.
Putting together survival packages for our people.
Return of the Black Cross Nurses
Host UNIA-ACL 4th Assistant President General
Basiymah Muhammad Bey and Special Guest.
Universal African
Universal African Black Cross Nurses Event, Atlanta, Georgia
CBPM Index:
Universal African Black Cross Nurses (UABCN)