Ras Marvin
CBPM Index:
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Works of Universal African Nationalism

A.  Engineering Projects:
1.  CBPM Engineering Design
2.  High Flying Rockets
3.  Alternative Energy Systems
4.  Inventions

B.  Articles:
1. 52nd International Convention
2. Kujichagulia Ceremony
3. Was Jesus Jamaican? (Fiction)
4. More to Come...

C.  Works:
1.  Nuclear Engineering
2.  Mechanical Engineering
Mathematics Education
4.  Science Education
African History Education
6.  Math Tutoring

D.  Reggae Music
1.  Abyssinian Sound System
2.  Radio Disc Jockey - Listen to "Rockin Irations"
Rastafari Culture & Reggae Music
3.  Reggae DJ

E.  Community Activities:
1. President UNIA-ACL Division 421
2. 100 Black Engineers of the CBPM
3. Website Designer
4. Auto Mechanics
5. Carpentry / Plumbing & Home Repair
Universal African Nationalism
Doing it at the Game - Strong Island, NY
Place of Birth - 85 Red Hills Road, Kingston 20, Jamaica W.I.
Doing it for the Team - Strong Island, NY
Huntington High School, NY, Baseball
Huntington High School Graduation Day 1982, Strong Island N.Y.
Best Friend Ezox Todd & Me
85 - Wide Receiver
89.3 FM - WRFG Atlanta
Ras Marvin is the Inventor of the
High Flying Rockets in 1999, Brooklyn New York